3rd Malaysian University Robot Competitions (MURoC) has been successfully organised in February 2012. A total of 79 teams from 37 institutions were involved in the competition. An enthusiastic participation has shown that robotic technology had flourished in Malaysia and has become one of the niche areas in almost every institution of higher learning.

UniMAP is taking this opportunity to once again organise this competition and will be known as Malaysia International Robot Competitions (MIRoC). This competition will be held in 12nd -14th April 2013, with ever more entry openings to Malaysian and lnternational public and private institute of higher learning and also to secondary schools.

There will be four games contested by category of competitions as follow :

A. Malaysian Public and Private Universities :

1.     Rope Climbing Robot

Rope Climbing Robot is a game based on an imaginary of the military physical training. The Rope Climbing Robot will carry a dart and climbs up to 3 meters of rope no. 1. After reached the distant, a robot must grab to rope no. 2 on the right/left of game field and travel to touch the round plate at the end of rope. After touch the round plate, the robot must return back at the center of rope no. 2 and stop to drop a dart on the target plate. The robot is considered completing the task when the robot successfully drops a dart on the target plate without OFF the target. The target plates have a five (5) part of sections with different colors and carry different marks. The target plate has a red color for center point carry 10 marks, followed by yellow color with 8 marks, blue color with 6 marks, green color with 4 marks and black color with 2 marks.

2.     Fire Fighting Robot

Fire Fighting Robot is a game based on an imaginary fireman rescuing the victims and extinguishes the fires. The Fire Fighting Robot will move around the house (field) to rescue the victims as much as possible and extinguish the fire in three minutes. The robot is considered completing the task when the robot returns to the starting zone. Each match is contested by red and blue teams.

B. Malaysian and International Public and Private Universities :

3.     Paintball Robot

Paintball Robot is a game based on an actual paintball competition. The basic rule of the games is roughly same with the paintball competition. The robots are considered VICTORY when the robots can insert all of their flag into three (3) opposition’s flag station. Three (3) flags are provided for each team and must be preloaded to each robot before starting the game. Each match is contested by red and blue teams. A match lasts five minutes.

The Rules – as per APPENDIX 3

C. Malaysian Technical & Skills Institution :

1.     Rope Climbing Robot

Rope Climbing Robot is a game based on an imaginary of the military physical training. The Rope Climbing Robot will pick up a ball on the bucket below the rope, carry a ball and climbs up to 4.5 meters rope and touch the round plate (end plate). After touch the round plate, a robot must return back (climbing down) and stop at the centre of a rope (2.5 meter from round plate), drop a ball on the target plate and stop immediately in three minutes. The robot is considered completing the task when the robot successfully drops a ball on a target plate and stop immediately. The target plates have a three part of sections with different colors and carry different marks. The target plate has a red color for center point carry 30 marks, followed by yellow color with 20 marks and green color with 10 marks.

2.     Fire Fighting Robot

Fire Fighting Robot is a game based on an imaginary fireman rescuing the victims and extinguishes the fires. The Fire Fighting Robot will move around the house (field) to rescue the victims as much as possible and extinguish the fire in three minutes. The robot is considered completing the task when the robot returns to the starting zone. Each match is contested by red and blue teams.

3.     Paintball Robot

Paintball Robot is a game based on an actual paintball competition. The basic rule of the games is approximately same with the paintball competition. The robots are considered VICTORY the task when the robots can insert their Flag in the opposition’s flag station. Each match is contested by red and blue teams. A match lasts five minutes.

Additional Competition for Category A, B and C :

Poster Presentation Competition

The introduction of Poster Presentation Competition in MIRoC 2013 will create an opportunity for the participating teams to provide important information about their robots in a more creative and effective way. The presentation medium that has been chosen for this competition is the poster, which is a useful communication tool for sharing ideas and messages. It will also allow others to appreciate the work that has been done. It is hoped that this competition will further contribute to the excitement of this coming delightful event.

D. Malaysian Secondary School :

1.     Rescue Robot

Rescue Robot is intended to showcase basic sensor design and robot control systems in the form of a small autonomous robot which must follow a black line over a white surface. The objective of this contest is for a robot to follow a black line on a white background without losing the line. All curves on track are 30cm radius. There are 5 ping-pong balls on the track. Each ball carries 3 marks.  The winner robot will get 5 marks. The length of event will stop when one of the robots reaches the finish line ‘or’ the maximum time 3 minutes is reached.